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MindMate Team

Who Was Tommy Whitelaw before He Became a Caregiver for His Mum?

In this week’s Video Blog we got personal with Tommy Whitelaw.

We knew that Tommy was running global merchandising operations for the Spice Girls, McFly, Kylie Minogue and U2. What we wanted to know was who he really was compared to who he is today. Caring for his Mum obviously changed a lot but watch the video for yourself to find out more:

"I think caring for my Mum has made me a better person."

"The person I was before was more carefree and more fun and not sometimes looking to what tomorrow’s bringing."

"Today is really important and yesterday is important and those relationships with people are really really important."

"Carers have a right to have a life out of caring as well!"

Tommy has mentioned something really important here.Recent studiesproof that supporting our caregivers is incredibly important. It is a very hard, if not the hardest, job in the world and those people have to be extremely strong. Getting help and taking care of yourself should be promoted more!

Thank you Tommy for being so open and we are looking forward to the next Video Blog!

Are you a caregiver? How has being a caregiver changed you? Comment below!


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